Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Disney World!

Our trip to Disney was 5 months ago but it was too good to not be documented.  We had the best time visiting with family in Georgia for a few days before heading to Disney for an entire week!  The first few days we spent just us 4 and then Jack's parents and step brother came down for some family time to finish out the week.

Jack Jack was such a big boy and loved riding rides and running around the parks.  He was so excited to meet Mickey Mouse and friends until we got up close and personal and then he was less than thrilled :)  After the first day any time we would see a character, we would ask if he wanted to go see them and he would say "no, I just want to look".  He road his first roller coaster and even went down the huge water slide at the hotel pool.  We showed him how to sit and hold his arms across his chest and he was so brave and excited to go down on his own.

Hudson was such a trooper the entire trip. He had a fever for the first few days but no other symptoms.  He rode in the stroller, loved pointing and saying "wow"  at everything he saw in the parks.  We rode a bunch of rides as a family and it was just so fun to see their little faces light up with every new experience.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Around here lately...

I cannot believe how long it has been since I last posted.  Since my last post we have visited family in Georgia, vacationed in Disney World, Halloween, celebrated 9 years of marriage, Jack turned 3, had the best Christmas ever with two toddlers and welcomed a new year.  So many exciting things.

Our boys are growing like weeds and the things that come out of their little mouths each day have us cracking up and amazed all at the same time.  Here is a look at the past few months through pictures...